March Political Prisoners Birthday Poster

March 12, 2013

March Political Prisoners Birthday Poster

Political Prisoners Birthday PosterThe monthly poster of political prisoner birthdays from the Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective is out now. Please take the time to make a card or send a letter to one or more of the prisoners on the list. It’s a great way to show support for those in prison.

The collective that puts out the poster is also asking for donations, please consider their appeal and supporting their projects:

Lastly, we want to ask that if you’re not already financially committed to a different anti-prison effort please consider helping us by becoming a monthly sustainer of our work or making a one-time donation. Your generosity not only feeds our work, it is a part of it. Pooling resources is resistance in action. We will continue to provide resources like this and others to help enable prisoners to self-educate, self-organize, and challenge the roots of their conditions.

March Political Prisoners Birthday Poster was published on March 12, 2013

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