Act/React Issue #2 Out
June 06, 2011
The second issue of the Grand Rapids anarchist zine “Act/React” is out now. It has a range of writings on topics including body image, the anarchist community in Grand Rapids, Bartertown Diner, punk rock, and graffiti.
The intro to the zine states:
act/react is back with issue two! we are excited that even more people were able to contribute this time around. the purpose of this zine has been, and continues to be, to allow rad folks to write anonomously about whatever is important to them. certainly we don’t all agree, and that’s fine, but at least we can create some dialogue.
we also want to stress that this is not “our” zine as in, the editors do not dictate what is included in the zine. we are merely facilitators of the project. if you send it in, it will be printed. if there is something you feel should have been written about in the zine that wasn’t, then write it. this zine is a collaborative effort and is the creation of any anarchist/anti-authoritarian folk who choose to be involved.
Act/React invites contributions with a deadline of June 25 for publication in the July issue. Get in touch through the email address [email protected].
Act/React Issue #2 Out was published on June 06, 2011
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