June 11: Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners Event in Grand Rapids
June 04, 2013

On June 11, Jailbreak! is hosting an art show, dinner, and dance party as part of the June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners. The event will take place from 5:00pm to 11:00pm at The DAAC (115 S Division) here in Grand Rapids.
June 11 dedicated to supporting Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, two anarchists that both serving lengthy prison sentences (just under 20 years for McDavid, and just under 22 for Marie Mason). You can learn more about their cases by reading the new zines published for June 11 (Marie Mason zine and Eric McDavid zine) or by listening to two recent radio programs that discuss their cases (Marie Mason and Eric McDavid).
Here’s a flyer for the event:
From the June 11 website:
Marie Mason and Eric McDavid share the unfortunate distinction of having the longest standing sentences of any environmental prisoners in the United States. Please join us in an international day of solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, and other long-term anarchist prisoners on every June 11th. This is a time to remember our friends who are in prison – who are continuing their struggles on the inside. This is a time to continue and strengthen the very work for which Eric and Marie are now serving so much time – to struggle against capitalism, ecological devastation, and the ever more diffuse forms of control in this prison society.
Free Marie and Eric! Free all prisoners!
June 11: Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners Event in Grand Rapids was published on June 04, 2013
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