September Political Prisoner Birthdays Poster
September 05, 2013

The September political prisoners birthday poster is now available from the Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective:
Hello Friends and Comrades,
1) Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for September. As always, please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing night of your own.
Some News And Updates:
2) The campaign to have Earth Liberation Front prisoner Marie Mason moved from her special isolation unit is underway! Please write a letter today. You can download the “Move Marie” here: trifold color brochure The text version and a sample letter are available here.
3) Brother Abdullah is in debilitating pain and unable to walk without assistance, due to an acute case of sciatica. Abdullah has suffered in this state for over two weeks and has, to no avail, submitted to all prison procedures, which are required in order to get medical attention, namely the “sick-call process.”
We are asking that you call the superintendent at Elmira Correctional Facility and demand that Abdullah Majid get immediate and proper medical attention. More Info here.
Please call:
Superintendent Paul Chappius
Regarding the prison’s negligence as concerns the health and well-being of
Abdullah Majid
DIN # 83-A-04834) Mark “Migs” Neiweem of the NATO 5 has been in solitary for over a month.
Mark Neiweem M36200 Pontiac Correctional Center PO Box 99 Pontiac, IL 617645\) Sean Swain, whose birthday is this month, recently released a beautiful piece of writing about resistance on the inside. You can find it [here](
Please send him letters and photos (printed on plain computer paper) to give him something to look at in his cramped cell. More info here.6) The CA prison hunger strike is entering its eighth week. It’s important that people keep putting the pressure on with phone calls and emails, protests, and attacks. Updates and background on the strike here.
7) Lastly, here is a link to the latest Political Prisoner/Prisoner Of War every-other week update by the NYC-Anarchist Black Cross. There are lots of important updates on many political prisoners.
Until Every Cage Is Empty,
September Political Prisoner Birthdays Poster was published on September 05, 2013
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