Fifth Estate Spring 2015 Issue Out Now
March 08, 2015

The newest issue of Fifth Estate—the long-running anti-authoritarian magazine newspaper based in Michigan, is out now. This issue’s theme is “Anti-Marx” and features a lengthy section criticizing Marx. We have a few copies of this, if you are in the area and would like one, get in touch. Also please consider subscribing to support this nearly fifty year old publishing project.
Spring 2015 Contents:
Anarchy in Kurdistan
Bill WeinbergEric McDavid Freed!
FE StaffArmed Madhouse
Bryan TuckerJustice for Franco Fascists?
David PorterSam Mbah Dies
Kelly Rose Pflug-BackFlorida’s Burnpile Press
Matt KeeneAn American Anarchist in Berlin
Rachael StoeveSociety of the Spectacle Reconsidered
John ClarkWe Lose SchNEWS
FE StaffDebt & The Movement that is Challenging it
Alex KnightFE History: God Gets Pied
FE StaffProtester Cell Phone Guide
Electronic Freedom FoundationAutarky in Scotland
Peter WerbeThe Myth of the Party
Murray BookchinThrowing Marx Out
Kevin O’TooleSlick-City-Boy-Karly
Joseph WinogrondThe Practical Marx
John ZerzanMarx Forgot Women
David AdamsUnder the wall – Poetry
Lily So-TooThe Fall of Ekset City – Fiction
Margaret KilljoyThe Clash & Fifth Estate
Bill BlankLive TV or Die
Andrew SmithRiots & Black Block
RuheThe FE in Shorts
FE Staff
Fifth Estate Spring 2015 Issue Out Now was published on March 08, 2015
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