Materials Against Borders
February 02, 2017

Below are two PDFs for decentralized printing and distribution during the ongoing struggle against the ban and the wall. On the one hand, these are a little late relative to last weekend’s major clashes. On the other hand, it’s obvious that this conflict will continue over many years – indeed, until the destruction of borders and nations. Let’s do more than just tag along for liberal illusions of the inclusive national community and instead share more radical analyses.
One is a poster, while the other is a double-sided half-sheet for hand-to-hand fliering.
1. Against Trump’s Dreams of Race War
Poster: trumpsracewar
2. Not Today Motherfucker / Strangers everywhere
Half-sheet: nottodaymotherfucker-double-sided
Materials Against Borders was published on February 02, 2017
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