Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in September 2022
October 03, 2022

The following zines were published during September 2022. The usual disclaimer applies: inclusion doesn’t imply endorsement. Instead, we err on the side of including as much as we can in order to foster debate. Additionally, the best way to engage with these zines is by printing them and discussing/sharing off the Internet.
You can view past round-ups if you want more reading material. If you have something you want us to include next month, contact us. For a curated collection of zines, view our catalog.
The photo that accompanies this post is of a poster on the streets of Sydney
Anarchist Zines and Pamphlets Published in September 2022
Do-It-Ourselves Bodily Autonomy
This zine – published by the Jewish Anarchist Salon – features resources compiled during the group’s June Judaism and Abortion Care event. The zine includes a list of abortion funds, resources for finding safe/high-quality abortion care, resources for pharmacological (medication or pill) abortion, and ideas for spreading awareness about abortion access.
Training Martial Arts for Anti-Fascism
Sub-titled “What to train, how to begin, what to focus on, and how to prepare for real world community defense”, this zine provides suggestions on how best to train for self-defense and/or offensive confrontation in the context of antifascist work. It provides an overview and thoughts on various types of martial arts focusing on effectiveness, convenience, training ratios, and conditioning. The goal is to help the reader find effective martial arts to study, to help find a gym, and to gain the mental and physical conditioning necessary for potential confrontations.
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Your Honor
This short zine reprints a poem by the New Afrikan anarchist Kuwasi Balagoon. Balagoon was a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army died in prison in 1986 due to complications from AIDS. Balagoon is arguably a lesser known figure in anarchist history and this zine – which promotes the book A Soldier’s Story (a collection of his writings) – can be easily distributed to help spread his story.
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Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library #106
The latest issue of this long running bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library ( features its usual coverage of anarchist history. There are two reprinted reviews of A Life for Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader which the Library published recently in collaboration with AK Press. Alongside these longer pieces are several updates about new works of anarchist history and reprints of a fewer harder to find texts.
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The Opening Statement #15 - Summer 2022
The Opening Statement is “an abolitionist newsletter driven by the voices and visions of Michigan prisoners, as well as those on the outside impacted by the prison system.” Published by Michigan Abolition and Prisoner Solidarity it “hopes to foster ongoing discussion against the violence of incarceration.” This latest issue features updates from prisoners inside Michigan prisons alongside reprinted articles on the “Stop Cop City” organizing in Atlanta and the attacks on anti-abortion infrastructure undertaken by Jane’s Revenge.
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Pigeon Guides from the Digital Defense Fund
The Pigeon Guides are a series of short 1-page zines designed to increase the understanding of security and surveillance technology within the abortion access movement. The zines provide basic introductions to a range of digital security topics. Depending on one’s individual threat model these guides may tend towards the more beginner level, but they offer some nice and relatively easy to understand basics.
Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in September 2022 was published on October 03, 2022
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