Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in June 2023
July 02, 2023

Welcome to our mostly monthly round-up of new zines published in the anarchist space. We aim to highlight a broad range of anarchist thought. Inclusion here doesn't imply endorsement.
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Anarchist Zines and Pamphlets Published in June 2023
A History of Anti-Racist Action with Shannon Clay
An interview with Shannon Clay, co-author of We Go Where They Go: The Story of Anti-Racist Action. It covers some of the history of the network, how it evolved, challenges it faced, and invitations to discuss current day anti-fascist and anti-racist organizing on Turtle Island.
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A Nihilist Understanding of Social War
"Social war is the conflict between the structures of domination and the forces of autonomy. It is both the state’s repression and our resistance, and the structuring of our lives and the disintegration of that structure. To engage in social warfare is to increase your individual and collective power immediately, bypassing representation in favor of direct action. Social war transcends class war and the Left, encouraging us to organize in packs rather than herds. It is a constant battle for what constitutes the scope of possible actions, each side armed with either the technologies of domination or the techniques of autonomy.
Most of all, engaging in the social war against domination and for autonomy is a transformative and empowering life experience. It is a realization that we no longer have to be passive subjects in our own lives. We can actively choose our desires and pursue them to their fullest extent, attacking the structures of domination that stand in their way. To wage social war is to be unapologetically yourself – to live now and to live free."
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Antisistema 0
This is the summer 2023 issue of this new "paper for anarchy and passionate destruction". It is highly critical of industrialism, green capitalism, and the religious-scientific ideology of the current system. Writings cover these topics along with the imprisonment of Alfredo Cospito, attacks on the industrial system, and a chronicle of actions.
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DADA A Reader
This is a collection of the writings of several of the major literary actors of the Dada art movement. Dada came about in the aftermath of World War I and asserted itself as a complete negation of bourgeois industrial society and its governing logic of rationality, bureaucracy, and control. Authors included are Hugo Ball, Tristan Tzara, and André Breton.
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Defend Pride Direct Action Handbook
This guide is written for people interested in defending pride and fighting backing against attacks on queer people in the United States. It covers dealing with the far right, affinity groups, counter-propaganda, event safety, protest safety tips, and solidarity.
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June 11 A History
June 11 is a day of action observed by anarchists and environmentalists for the past 13 years to mobilize around imprisoned comrades. The day of solidarity was first observed in 2004 when 27 cities hosted events to support Jeff "Free" Luers, an eco-anarchist in his fourth year of imprisonment for the burning of three SUVs in Eugene, Oregon. The text traces a short history of June 11 as a small contribution to the global rhythm of revolt. At the end, a timeline is included illustrating how many people around the world have contributed to the momentum around June 11.
The original text was published by Crimethinc in 2017.
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June 11 International Day of Solidarity 2023
This is the 2023 call to action for the annual International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-term Anarchist Prisoners. It includes updates on anarchist prisoners Marius Mason, Eric King, Michael Kimble, Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, and Dan Baker.
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June 1953 Proletarian Uprising in East Germany
This text is a brief history of the June 1953 uprising in East Germany. Workers rose up against the Communist ruling party and engaged in a proletarian struggle to improve their conditions. According to the authors, the goal is not to tell a story but to draw programmatic lessons from previous struggles for the future insurrections.
The events (in 1953 as well as any time) show how small groups of workers fighting against the deterioration of their work and survival conditions transform in a short time into a class, into a collective being (with its strengths and its weaknesses, contradictorily) acting for much wider and more radical objectives.
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Marius Mason 2023 June 11 Statement
This statement from imprisoned anarchist Marius Mason gives an update on their past year in prison. It focuses on their transition, transfer to a new facility, educational pursuits, and work as a peer counselor.
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The Local Kids 9
The summer 2023 issue of this "compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion". It features a lengthy critique of rationalism, a discussion of the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic encouraged more isolation, and translations of older texts critical of patriotism and war.
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Theses on the Philosophy of History
The document is a collection of Walter Benjamin's theses on the philosophy of history. The theses are a series of short paragraphs that reflect Benjamin's thoughts on the concept of history. At its core, the essay is a critique of the idea that history is a linear progression towards an end goal. Instead, Benjamin argues that history is a series of moments that are constantly being reinterpreted and reevaluated. He also argues that the role of the historian is not to simply record events but to actively engage with them and interpret them in new ways.
Originally published in 1942. Published by Counterflow in 2023.
Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in June 2023 was published on July 02, 2023
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