Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in October 2023
November 25, 2023

Welcome to our mostly monthly round-up of new zines published in the anarchist space. We aim to highlight a broad range of anarchist thought. Inclusion here doesn't imply endorsement. Please spread what interests you to others in the physical world.
You can view past round-ups if you want more reading material. If you have something you want us to include next month, contact us. For a curated collection of zines, view our catalog.
"Halloween ACAB pasteup in Santiago, Chile" (source)
Anarchist Zines and Pamphlets Published in October 2023
10 Anarchist Theses on Palestine Solidarity in the United States
The strategy of solidarity reached its limits long ago. Solidarity today is an industry of conferences, lectures, book talks, and ritualistic protests—symbolic solidarity. The war on Gaza has exposed the clear limits on solidarity movements in the United States. Palestine solidarity is an extreme case in point in a much larger development of solidarity activism and politics.
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Against Genocide: A Palestinian Solidarity Panel
A panel discussion recorded at Firestorm Books entitled Against Genocide: A Palestinian Solidarity Panel, recorded on Sunday, October 22nd 2023, featuring Palestinian and Jewish activist voices in Asheville, NC, in response to the recent escalation of violence by Israel against Palestinians.
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Against the Party of Insurrection: A Look at Appelism in the U.S.
"Appelism is an informal strain of authoritarian communism that has been gaining traction on this continent over the past decade or so. Taking up elements of both the revolutionary party structure and insurrectionary anarchism, this tendency rebrands authoritarian communism as something that looks like informal networks but acts like a party.
Appelists generally do not present themselves as appelists. The term 'appelist' refers to The Call (L'Appel in the original French) by the Invisible Committee, written by some of the same authors as the 1999 journal Tiqqun. This is why 'appelists' are sometimes also called 'tiqqunists.' Both are terms popularized by anarchists to counteract appelists’ claims that they do not have an ideology or established political network."
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
An anarchist critique of artificial intelligence and machine learning. It provides an explanation of how it works and makes some suggestions for how it can be sabotaged. Perhaps needless to say, the authors don't advocate appropriating it for anarchist ends.
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Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library - October 2023
The latest issue of this long-running anarchist history bulletin. This issue features numerous book reviews, writings on anarchists Jules Scareciaux, Seth Dockstader, and Max Kavanagh. As always, it's a window in to the anarchy's rich history.
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Cars as Cameras
Cars, especially newer vehicles with built-in computer systems, know everything about their users and, consequentially, the peo- ple around them. Tesla is taking this a step further, turning cars into mobile, high-definition video surveillance systems. [...] What should anarchists take away from this? How can we continue to attack this panoptic hellscape and get away with it?
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December 8th Affair Trial in France
An interview from The Final Straw featuring the words of anarchists involved in or doing support for the December 8th Affair in France. 9 people were arrested at the end of 2020, following Movement for Black Lives protests. The French state is asserting, based on some pretty flimsy arguments, that 7 radical and anarchist folks were a part of a conspiracy to engage in terrorism based on their common connection to an activist recently returned from the YPG's fight against Daesh or ISIS in Rojava. This activist goes by the name Libre Flot, or Free Flow, and he shares some words here as well.
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From the Galilee to Gaza
Corporate media outlets in Europe and North America focus attention on Israeli suffering rather than exploring the series of events that led to this situation. The vast majority of all perspectives on the situation are coming from outside Palestine. It is important to hear directly from Palestinians, who understand better than anyone else how the situation reached this point.
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Interview with Palestinian Anarchists
Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) reached out to Fauda, a small group centered in the West Bank that identifies itself as a Palestinian anarchist organization, to get its perspective on the current struggle. Fauda is a group that is new to us, and which we don’t have more information about beyond the interview presented here and what can be found in their public channels. Other than edits for clarity across translation, the content of this interview is presented unaltered. We want to thank our Palestinian and Arabic-speaking friends for their help with conducting and translating this interview. We also want to extend our gratitude to the representative of Fauda members, thoughtfully engaged with our questions during a moment of extreme uncertainty and violence.
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No 'End' in Sight
Sub-titled "On Cultivating Conflict With A World Of Pandemics", this zine discusses the current (fall 2023) reality of COVID-19 and how it is dealt with in anarchist and radical circles. It offers suggestions for mitigation and argues for a deeper analysis of this phase of the pandemic.
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Puget Sound Anarchists #2
This is the second issue of this "Irregular Digest of". It collects communiques and writings from the counter-info website with the intent to distribute offline. This issue features articles on a noise demo in Olympia, WA, communiques from a few actions as part of the "Stop Cop City" efforts, and more.
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Rumoer #7
"As always: angry, enthusiast, wild, worried and looking for interesting reflections and analyses in a world which doesn't show us much good stuff. We wrote about nuclear technology (keep an eye on this, read about it, talk about it, do something), leaving as few as possible DNA traces, attack, so-called Smart Cities and much more."
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Updates on Rojava Revolution
An interview with 3 activists involved in the Emergency Committee for Rojava about recent developments in Rojava, escalation of violence from the Turkish state and the KDP party-led Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq, experiences of recent visits to the region, updates on the US relationship to aggressive regimes in the region and other topics.
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We Can't Afford to Remain Silent
An interview by 161 Crew: "The situation in Gaza Strip is getting more catastrophic every day. In our attempt to better understand the situation in the region, we did an interview with an Israeli anarchist. We talked with them about the modern anarchist movement, Israeli occupation of Palestine, resistance against it, and prospects for the future."
Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in October 2023 was published on November 25, 2023
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