Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in August 2024
September 03, 2024

Welcome to our monthly round-up of new zines published in the anarchist space. We aim to highlight a broad range of anarchist thought. Inclusion here doesn't imply endorsement. Please spread what interests you to others in the physical world.
You can view past round-ups if you want more reading material. For a curated collection of zines, view our catalog.
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Credit for the image accompanying the post: "Poster spotted in Punchbowl, NSW" (source)
Anarchist Zines and Pamphlets Published in August 2024
A Friend Of Mine Or A Friend Of Ours?
This essay discusses the concept of "vouching" in the anarchist space. From the zine: "Vouching means different things to different anarchists. For some, to vouch for a person means the vouchee is felt to be trustworthy and competent enough for an action. For others, vouching means that the voucher has concrete evidence of the trustworthiness and competence of the vouchee, and is willing to stake their reputation on that evidence."
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Blessed Is The Flame - #2
The second issue of the insurrectionary / nihilist anarchist newspaper "Blessed Is The Flame", originally published in Greek. This issue includes a chronicle of anarchist attacks and an anarchist strategy. It includes several classic texts including "Anarchy & Insurrection" and excerpts from "Toward the Destruction of Schooling" and "A Non-Primitivist Critique of Civilization". There is also a rememberance of Ted Kaczynski.
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Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library #114-#115
The August 2024 issue of this regularly published anarchist history bulletin. Topics covered include anarchist solidarity with the Miner's Strike of 1984-1985, writings about lesser known anarchists (Giuseppe Pinelli and Louise Bolotin), a collection of brief updates on new resources for exploring anarchist history, and more.
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Kill the Cop in your Pocket
"Effective security culture and operational security prevents the forces of repression from knowing about our specific criminal activities, but also about our lives, relationships, movement patterns, and so on. This knowledge is a huge advantage in narrowing down sus- pects and conducting targeted surveillance. This article will outline some strategies for killing the cop in your pocket."
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The No State Solution with Mohammed Bamyeh
This is a transcript of a talk titled "The No-State Solution" Mohammed Bamyeh at the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair. It discusses the idea of a "no-state solution" as a response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is discussed as an alternative to the "Two State Solution" which Bamyeh considers unfeasible.
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The Opening Statement #21
This issue features a roundup of news about prisons and resistance alongside a collection of articles on the topic of digital surveillance under capitalism. Topics discussed include voice print databases, phone rates, and prisons using video visits instead of in-person visits. Download PDF: [ Imposed | Screen ]
Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in August 2024 was published on September 03, 2024
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