Towards An Anarchist Ecology

- Added to Catalog: 2014
- Print Version: Download
This zine is based on a series of workshops held by Knowing the Land Is Resistance aimed at critiquing mainstream ideas of “ecology” and offering ideas for moving towards an anarchist knowledge of the land. The zine explains how traditional notions of ecology are based on colonial and capitalist conceptions. As an alternative, the zine explores five starting points for developing an anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial relationship to the land: rooted in relationships, deep listening, urban ecology, re-enchanting, and unexpertness. It’s a good starting point for anyone interested in developing a closer relationship with the land.
We are settlers on this land, raised in cities, rootless, and alienated from the ecosystems we can't help but be a part of. But we want to unlearn what we have been taught by the dominate culture, and in the process, we want to re-learn joy, connection, and wonder, while embracing grief and loss in order to heal. We want to decolonize, and to do this, we need to build a new kind of relationship with the land. We want to take steps towards an anarchist ecology, towards a knowledge of the land that is anti-colonial and anti-authoritarian.
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