Social Detox

- Added to Catalog: 2014
- Print Version: Download
This zine is a good, basic introduction to patriarchy and sexism and the role of men in perpetuating it. It works well as a means of starting conversations about the role of men in perpetuating and fighting patriarchy. There are definitions and exploration of patriarchy, reflections on men’s anti-sexist discussion groups, reflections and discussion on the concept of masculinity, immediate step men can take to change, and a list of suggested readings.
This zine goes well with “Said the Pot to the Kettle: Feminist Theory for Anarchist Men.”
“Social Detox *a.m. helps cleanse you of the daily social toxins we encounter within a patriarchal society (including but not limited to, sexism, racism, classism, homophobia)*. Our ingredients are carefully selected to form a radical critique of Patriarchy and to support the regeneration of healthy relationships.”
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