Land & Liberty: Against The New City

Land & Liberty: Against The New City
This zine was added to our catalog more than 5 years ago. You may want to verify information contained within is still relevant.

This zine is an essay by Research & Destroy that attempts to analyze gentrification, rent, economics, and the development of the “new city.” It looks at urban development over the past forty years, trends in suburbanization, urbanization, and gentrification. It’s a very good analysis that is helpful in offering new ways of understanding what is happening across the world.


The gentrification of American cities is quite obviously, by any account, an attack on these spaces of cultural identity and autonomy, an attack on the institutions and infrastructure and community that people have built in order to survive in a world hostile to them. But we would profoundly misunderstand the present moment if we did not see gentrification as the final stage of a sustained attack on these spaces that has been ongoing for over 40 years.


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