Fifth Estate Spring 2015 Issue Out Now
March 08, 2015
The newest issue of Fifth Estate—the long-running anti-authoritarian magazine newspaper based in Michigan, is out now. This issue’s theme is “Anti-Marx” and features a lengthy section criticizing Marx. We have a few copies of this, if you are in the…
New Zines in our Distro Catalog
March 03, 2015
We’ve added some new titles to our distro catalog. They run the gamut from some really good studies of crowd control and riots by Warrior Publications, to an analysis of tactics in the recent post-Ferguson anti-police actions in Durham, NC, and a…
Featured Zine: Some Remarks on the Need for Open Assemblies
February 10, 2015
Within anarchist circles—and especially broader radical political groupings—it is not uncommon to see calls for anarchists to “unite” around specific goals, politics, or identities. Historically, such efforts don’t go very well, resulting in a rather…
Beat The Raid
February 04, 2015
We were sent the following announcement about “Beat The Raid” and are sharing it because it’s an excellent example of how anarchists can respond to state repression. The project was started in response to police repression in Vancouver, BC against…
Featured Zine: With Allies Like These
January 16, 2015
Over the past several years (or maybe even decades), the discussion of privilege theory and anti-oppression politics has become quite prevalent within the anarchist space. Many anarchists will speak to the importance of anti-oppression politics, but…