
September Political Prisoner Birthdays Poster

September 05, 2013

September Political Prisoner BirthdaysThe September political prisoners birthday poster is now available from the Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective: Hello Friends and Comrades, 1) Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for September. As…


Local Wild Plant Profile: Wild Bergamot

August 29, 2013

Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) is a common wildflower found throughout Michigan. It grows on dry edges of forests, thickets, and clearings. Wild Bergamot is one of many different varieties of what is commonly known as “Bee Balm.” According to many…


Local Wild Plant Profile: Blackberry

August 29, 2013

Blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) is a well-known edible berry found across Michigan. They mature in the late summer and are a very tasty berry that can be eaten raw or cooked. Blackberry is common in Grand Rapids and thickets of blackberry brambles…


More New Zines!

August 28, 2013

blockade-occupy-strike-backWe’ve added some more zines to our distro catalog. As always, please let us know if you have any suggestions for additional titles we should carry. Accountability and Consent How To Put Together Your Own Consent Workshop…


New Zines in the Distro Catalog

August 16, 2013

from_politics_to_lifeOver the past few days, we’ve been adding a lot of new zines to the distro catalog. Some of them are ones that we’ve been distributing for the past few months when we table, while others are brand new. We’ll be adding a lot more…