
May Day: History, Hype and Dignified Revolt

May 01, 2013

Total Freedom This text is reprinted from a May Day flyer. For more on the history of May Day, see the zine “Hurrah for Anarchy!” and for what happened last year, see the post “May Day 2012.” On May 1, 1886 tens of thousands of workers across the…


On Occupying in a Midwest College Town

April 10, 2013

Occupy MidwestWhile Occupy’s time has passed both nationally and locally, a new analysis published on the Michigan-based “Third Coast Conspiracy” is worth reading for its recounting of lessons learned from Occupy organizing on one of the large…


Political Prisoner Birthday Poster for April

April 10, 2013

Political Prisoners' Birthdays in AprilThe monthly political prisoner birthday poster for April from the Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective is out now. Please take a minute to write to prisoners to let them know that they aren’t forgotten. Recently…


We Need To Talk About Facebook

April 03, 2013

No FacebookThe following article, “We need to talk about Facebook,” by the German radical tech collective Nadir has been circulating on the Internet for a few months. We strongly urge folks to read it and consider the issues that they are raised…


Wind Power in Michigan: Another Techno-Sham

April 02, 2013

Wind power is viewed favorably by many—backers claim it creates jobs, creates “clean” electricity, will help reduce consumption of “dirty” fuels, and is essentially harmless. However, as with most technological fixes touted by “green energy…