New Zines and Books in our Catalog
March 22, 2018

We have added some new zines and a couple of books to our catalog. As always, all of the zines on this website are available as free PDF downloads. Please copy them and use them as a means to interact in the “real world”.
Additionally, if you need copies, we do mail order through Storenvy. Or you can contact us for bulk orders.
The new zines are:
- Another Critique of Insurrectionalism – An interesting and thoughtful critique of insurrectionary practice as it existed in Barcelona circa 2014. While talking about specifics to that milieu, it makes some general observations that are useful for anarchists everywhere.
- Home Remedies for Common Maladies – A quick-and-easy introduction to DIY healthcare and herbalism that emphasizes remedies for common maladies.
- Wager on the Future – Sub-titled “Anarchist organization, the Islamic State, the crisis, and outer space”, this zine is an attempt to think through the various crises facing the world as well as the anarchist space. It’s the type of critical engagement that we need to see more of!
- Don’t Try To Break Us, We’ll Explode – A thorough account of the 2017 G20 protests in Hamburg, Germany. The protests were characterized by a widespread rebellion and breakdown of police control and this text by Crimethinc provides some thoughtful analysis.
- Talking to the Media: A Guide for Anarchists – Written in the context of renewed media interest in anarchists and antifa, this zine offers some tips for anarchists contemplating working with the media.
- Anarchist Tactics at Standing Rock – This zine offers some reflections from an anarchist participant in the Standing Rock encampment on what anarchists can learn from the most high profile (thus far) struggle against extraction in the so-called United States.
- Resist Grand Juries: The Front Line is Everywhere – This zine discusses the Grand Jury convened at Standing Rock and provides a general overview of Grand Juries.
In addition to the zines above, we’ve also added two books that we have available for a short time:
- Last Act of the Circus Animals – This book long-term political prisoners Sean Swain and Travis Washington is being sold as a fundraiser for Sean Swain. All proceeds go to Sean’s support fund.
- Affinity & Informal Organization – This is a small booklet from Europe that features a few essays on informal anarchist organizational ideas. It features the long essay “The Insurrectional Method” by Alfredo Bonanno as well as a few more recent writings.
New Zines and Books in our Catalog was published on March 22, 2018
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